Pitching is the way of convincing the investors effectively to invest in your business to achieve the set goals and unlock the potential. This can be done with the right presentation deck including a summary of the company, a business plan, and its startup vision. An attractive, yet simple and clear, compelling, and understandable Pitch deck can draw and hold the attention of potential investors for long to explain what the business is actually into, the product/services offered by the company, and why is it a good investment for the investor.


What is Pitch Deck


There are certain basic strategies and best practices used to prepare a pitch that can help you get the truly compelling pitch include:

  • The benefits to the investors
  • Clarity on why you should get the investment
  • Surety that you are asking for right numbers
  • Showcasing your flexibility and adaptability
  • Project outcomes and milestone are realistic
  • Why you are an opportunity to invest for them
  • Follow up with the investors

Some of the essentials of pitch deck include:

  1. Introduction of company: introducing who you are
  2. Problem: what are the problems identified in the said market
  3. Probable solution: how will you solve the problems faced by the target market
  4. Business concept: what is the business about and what is the business model
  5. Goal congruence: include the mission, vision, values, and goals of the company
  6. Product/services offered: what all product/services are provided and how will they work and generate revenue
  7. Value proposition: how the value will be delivered to all the stakeholders
  8. Traction: where the company stands currently
  9. Competitive analysis: analysis of direct/indirect competitors in the environment
  10. Market details: market research, market size, and market potential of the business in the industry.
  11. Financials: financial details of the company
  12. Amount to be raised: what is the budget and how much you have planned for the business
  13. Future plans: plans for expansion, addition or diversion of products/services
  14. Fund utilization: utilization of funds w.r.t time
  15. Team and contact details.

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