Edible Insect Farming And Processing Business

We have rarely heard about humans consuming insects. Though, it is estimated that over 2 billion people across the world consume insects as their food regularly. Also, in countries like Vietnam, China, Thailand, Laos, etc. farming of insects for human READ MORE

Sports Bar

Our Experts are working on the project of setting up Sports Bar and have prepared Business Planning Reports on the title. [Those reports are Business Feasibility Study Report, Business Modelling Report, Business Plan, and Detailed Project Report]. Our expert’s team READ MORE

Cloud / Ghost Restaurant Business

A research from the National Restaurant Association shows that 60% of restaurant meals are consumed off-premises. Taking advantage of this, many start-ups have accepted the concept of cloud kitchens.     Our Experts are working on the project of setting READ MORE

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is an industry-wide accepted method of evaluating and measuring customer experience, operational standards, compliance to legal requirements, brand perception, quality of service.  Most of the times organizations hire Mystery Shopping Companies to get unbiased views on their products READ MORE

STEM Toys Manufacturing Business

Today, Education has the prime importance as it helps in developing a perspective of looking at life, builds knowledge and is essential for the personal, social and economic growth of the nation. Along with the digitalization and modernization, the schools READ MORE

E-Waste Recycling/ Management Unit

Continuous innovation and up gradation in technology, the rapid growth of technological adaption and a high rate of obsolescence in electronics have led the e-waste sector to become one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world consisting outdated electrical READ MORE

Baby/ Infant Food Manufacturing Business

Every parent craves to give their kid the best possible facilities, may it be toys, clothes, accessories, a healthy atmosphere, or even nutritious food. Newborns are fully dependent on the mother’s milk as their diet, but as they develop, from READ MORE

Carpool Business

Shared mobility services are gaining traction in India with more demand for carpooling or ride-sharing facilities. Carpooling is the type of commute where a private car owner offers his/her car seats to the public who are traveling on the same READ MORE