Breakfast Joints

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”. A nutritious breakfast is needed for maintaining our body healthier. For breakfast, people mostly look for convenient, relaxing, and affordable places, and breakfast joints can offer READ MORE

Tamarind Processing Unit

Our Expert’s team is working on the project of setting up a unit of Tamarind Processing, which has the most trending products from the food-tech industry; and the team has prepared Business Planning Reports on the title. [Those reports are READ MORE

Protein Water Processing Business

Our Expert’s team is working on the project of setting up a Protein Water Processing Unit, which has the most trending products of the food-tech industry; and the team has prepared Business Planning Reports on the title. [Those reports are READ MORE

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Business

Powered by the national agenda of electrification and supported by government-led initiatives, the Indian automotive industry is switching to manufacture electric mobilities. Our Experts are working on the project of setting up Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and have prepared Business READ MORE

Agricultural Drone Renting Services

India is an agricultural country, where the sector contributes around 14% of the country’s GDP. Most of the field operations are dependent on the climatic conditions, either giving an appreciable amount of yield or leading to a considerable loss of READ MORE

Wheatgrass Processing Unit

Fresh Wheatgrass and its processed products are linked with many health benefits, including weight loss, decreased inflammation, lower cholesterol, increase the production of hemoglobin and better blood sugar control. No scientific research on its effects on humans is present, and READ MORE